
ARES Nuntio


ARES Nuntio

A transparent and ease-of-trace reporting system

ARES Nuntio is a stable and standard reporting system that helps the bank to be compliant with the reporting regulations of local authorities in a robot manner.


Personnel with the required qualification to translate local regulations into reporting practice
Architecture with the standardized system concepts to conclude reporting regulations
Audit trail with the embedded rules to cross check between related report items


Automatically generate reports

The system automatically prepares reports based on the financial institution's reporting instructions.

Validate and cross-check data

The system supports to cross-check between accounting balance and transaction details and prompt for related fields as reminders.

Check data source

The system checks the rationality of the interface file data imported by the core banking system.

Record the reasons for figure changes

The users can modify the report figures and the system records the reasons for changes and keep the changelogs.

Query the breakdowns of the fields

The users can query the breakdowns of each report field.

Parametric design reporting rules

The reporting rules in the system are easy to be maintained by setting the parameters.

Control user permissions

The system allows setting the roles to be responsible for specific reports and assign the users to assume roles.

Manage the report versions

The system provides review and verification procedures and report version control to meet audit requirements.

Generate reports in XML format

The system can export the data files in the designated format that can be directly imported into the submission platform to reduce the manual work.

Return report lists

We provide reports of return of Assets & Liabilities, Liquidity Position, Large Exposures, Loans & Advances & Provisions, Interest Rate Risk Exposures, etc. The list is as follows:

Institution Return reports
Central Bank of Republic of China
  • 本國銀行國家風險統計表(R0910、R0914)
  • LBS 地區性金融統計(表1 ~ 表8)
  • DBU 人民幣(表.CN1、CN3)
  • OBU 報表(表 FM1、FM2、FM3 等)
The Financial Supervisory Commission of Republic of China
  • AI705 衍生性金融商品餘額月報表
  • AI805 銀行辦理兩岸金融業務餘額表
  • 放款平均利率表 (表 13)
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)
  • (ARF 112.2A)Standardised Credit Risk-Off-balance Sheet Exposures
  • (ARF 117.0)Repricing Analysis
  • (ARF 118.0)Off-balance Sheet Business
  • (ARF 210.1A 等)Liquidity Forms
  • (ARF 221.0)Large Exposures

and more...

Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
  • (MABS1)Return of Assets & Liabilities
  • (MABS1E)Liquidity Position(LMR)
  • (MABS6)Foreign Currency Position
  • (MABS23)Return on Liquidity Monitoring Tools
  • (MABS1C)Return of Current Year's Profit & Loss

and more...



ARES is the only information system integrator in Taiwan with complete experience in the introduction of core banking systems at home and abroad. We are also a profoundly experienced team in banking field of professional regulatory report platform developers dedicated to providing best services and customer-centric experiences.


We provide complete user education and training to understand system operation and maintenance.


ARES is the first listed software company with financially sound in Taiwan and also is the largest system provider of SWIFT(The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) in the Asia Pacific region.


The system helps to reduce the labor and time cost in preparing reports and accelerates response to new transactions and adjustment of reporting rules.


The system provides a clear definition of the reporting rules and keeps adjustment logs for traceability to reduce the problem of difficulty in handing over the work if the reporting staff changes.


Excel Crystal Report ARES Nuntio
Process complex data and different back-end sources
Daily report process scheduling
Mass data processing and application Limited Limited
Consolidated analysis of data sources
Reuse consolidated data sources
Detailed calculation and examination
Detailed calculation and examination
Report value adjustment