Cooperate with Gogoro, promoting digital transformation in electric vehicle industry.
Win 2022 Best Partner Award by Micro Focus, achieve record sales for 2022.
Awarded ISO27001:2013 Certification for Information Security Management System, conforms to the international standard.
Cooperate with KPMG to launch financial-reporting solution.
Awarded Certificate of Registration as a Technological Service Organization by the Industrial Development Bureau(IDB)of Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs(MOEA), becomes an authorized professional Information Security Service Engineering Service Organization.
Launch webpage for 40th anniversary of establishment.
ARES donates ciMes to Chaoyang University of Tecnology for industry-academy cooperation.
Awarded Certificate of Registration as a Technological Service Organization by the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), becomes an authorized professional Service Engineering Service Organization for Software section (Enterprise Resource Planning, IT Security and Software Testing Service) and IT Service section (Security Service, Implementation Development Service, Application Software Support Service).
Launch ciMes Electronic Kanban System(EBS).
Launch Responsive Web Design(RWD)for HCP HR system.
Awarded Certificate of Registration as a Technological Service Organization by the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), becomes an authorized professional Service Engineering Service Organization for Software section (Enterprise Resource Planning, IT Security and Software Testing Service) and IT Service section (Security Service, Implementation Development Service, Application Software Support Service).
Core banking system eARESBank acknowledged by Gartner.
Awarded Certificate of Registration as a Technological Service Organization by the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), becomes an authorized professional Service Engineering Service Organization for IT-1, IT-3 and IT-5 services.
Awarded Certificate of Registration as a Technological Service Organization by the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), becomes an authorized professional Service Engineering Service Organization for IT3 section Professional Services: system integration, software design, information consultancy, encryption software, PKI and identification services.
The Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) established "IFRS Promotion Alliance", appointing Harry Yu, chairman of ARES, to be the president of the alliance.
Awarded Certificate of Registration as a Technological Service Organization by the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), becomes an authorized IT Service Engineering Service Organization for IT3 section Professional Services.
Awarded Certificate of Registration as a Technological Service Organization by the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), becomes an authorized Management Consultant Service Organization for MA3 section Knowledge Management Services.
U.S. patent 6999010 "Table Look-Up Method for Abstract Syntax Notation Encoding/Decoding System" was granted.
The Japan Patent 3802540 "Table Look-Up Method for Abstract Syntax Notation Encoding/Decoding System" was granted on May 12.
Acquired an initial planner for Best E-Service Export of Taiwan's Industrial Development Bureau (IDB), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA).
Became a distributor for Ascentn's AgilePoint BPM platform.
"Table Look-Up Method for Abstract Syntax Notation EncodingDecoding System" won patent certificate from Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA).
ARES uPKI won Novell YES Certificate.
ARES uPKI won 2005 IT month Excellent IT Application Product Award.
Qualified for knowledge management consultancy service company by recognition of Taiwan's IDB.
The R.O.C. patent TW 202651 "Table Look-Up Method for Abstract Syntax Notation EncodingDecoding System" was granted. This method was applied to the implementation of ARES uPKI library.
Formed strategic alliances with international enterprises such as Oracle, IBM, HP and Agile.
Became SWIFT Service Partner.
Qualified for business automation from Taiwan's IDB.
Invested in Aplusfot (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
Became SWIFT Business Partner.
Qualified for e-business enterprise from Taiwan's IDB.
Chosen as among the top 200 IT companies by Taiwan's Global Views Monthly.
Listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) (Stock code: 2471).
Established office in Shanghai, China.
Chosen as among the top 500 outstanding enterprises by the China Credit Information Service.